Practical ways to save water and electricity
Do not throw trash in the toilet bowl, using the cistern unnecessarily. Use trash cans for this purpose. If the button on the cistern does not return to its original position after use, allowing the water to run continuously, please notify the damage at the Reception desk. Do not allow water to run while shaving or washing your face. Reuse body and face towels. This reduces the volume of unwashed clothes and ultimately the uses of the washing machine. We will change the towels according the housekeeping plan or if you will ask us for this service earlier. Choose the right utensil when you cooking. The larger the utensils, the higher the water consumption.When washing dishes by hand, fill the sink or basin with water and the appropriate detergent. Rinse quickly at low flow. For even greater water savings, use one sink for washing dishes and the other for rinsing. Allow the soiled dishes and utensils to soak in the water, instead of removing leftovers from under running tap. Do not use running water to defrost meat or other frozen foods. Defreeze the food gradually, placing it in the refrigerator maintenance from the previous night and then leaving it out of the refrigerator for a while. Prefer to wash fruits, greens and vegetables in a basin of water, instead of under a constantly open tap. Please turn off the TV and generally all the electrical appliances from the main switch (please do not leave them in stand by mode). Please rely on natural light instead of artificial light sources. Please do not “forget” the light in the room where you are not and the chargers in the socket when you do not use them. Please cook smartly, in utensils that are applied to the hobs with the lid closed. Ten minutes before the food is ready, please close the hobs. Please do not open the oven door unnecessarily. Please close the balcony door and the windows when the air conditioning is working.